Archive for December, 2005


It’s only a few hours away before the world rings in the new year. Before we get busy at the kitchen preparing tonight’s feast-for-three (that’d be my mom, dad and me) and go to church for the New Year’s Eve mass, I would just like to take some time to be thankful for all the people that I met, opportunities that I grabbed, and blessings that I received along the wonderful journey (and year) that was.

I started blogging July of this year and through this outlet of my angst and aspirations, experiences and misadventures, I have met brillant people and gained amazing new friends. Thank you for always coming back, for your well-wishes, and your invaluable two-cents. Truly, it had been a memorable ride. I love you all!

Work life has never been this fulfilling and rewarding. I have actually enjoyed every day spent at the office – writing press releases, mounting press events, getting compliments and thank-you’s from my clients and being able to see the fruits of my work in national newspapers, fashion magazines, and TV screens. I am thankful for all my colleagues at work for making things so much easier and for always being the crazy bunch that you all are. I love you all!

I have never felt so free, loved, accepted and appreciated in my life – by the people who I care so much about – until four days ago. Coming to terms with your family about your sexuality and choices in life is (one of) every gay boy’s rainbow dream. Thank you for making it so easy for me, and for finally, becoming a true part of my life. I would never trade your uplifting words and encouraging pats with anything in the world! I love you all!

Knut Martin, thank you for being the genuine and loving man that you are. Thank you for always being patient. Thank you for waiting for me. I shall be with you again soon. I love you.

Again, thank you 2005. Hello 2006!

filthy and gorgeous

Oooh I am so-decades (okay, only a year or so) late on this entry. I have heard of Scissor Sisters last March while my Norwegian pals and I were sunbathing on Batu Ferringhi Beach in Penang. They were raving about this five-piece pop/rock group of genius and fab New Yorkers. One of them even played the CD, but I didn’t pay any attention. The name of the group got stuck in my head though. Scissor Sisters. That’s rather clever.

Fast forward to yesterday – nine months after. After reading a blog entry naming the Scissor Sisters as one of the ’05 must-listens of this brilliant blogger, I know that they must be really something. And boy, they weren’t just something. They are the thing that makes you feel sexy, edgy, heady and high, while dancing and thumping to a brilliant brand-new beat.

I love how wicked they are in the tracks Filthy/Gorgeous, Lovers in the Backseat, and Tits on the Radio; while wistful in Mary, Laura, and Return to Oz. Somehow, Take Your Mama reminds me of some Elton John song that I just can’t quite put my finger on; not that I’m complaining, I love it! My iPod is loving them, too!

"seriously, we’re not gay"

It’s been three straight days (and counting) of me being such a lazy ass. Sleeping between 3 and 4 am, waking up between 1 and 2 the following afternoon, getting online for the rest of the day – and night – and well, the early hours of the next day. And I love it. I freaking love it.

Anyway, Jay over at But Enough About You blogged today that he has transferred Dawson and his 20-Load-Weekend tryst to his brand new iPod video. Taking inspiration from his entry, I scoured the net for available softwares that would convert my existing mpg and avi video files to iPod compatible mp4s. After hours of conversion, voila! I finally have a couple of Sean Cody’s, the first episode of Lost Season 2, and this ultra funny clip I would like to share with you. [Source: The B Squad] Warning: Explicit action ahead; Not safe for work.

Click image to play video or right-click and save.

But seriously, they’re not gay. Believe Frank and Paul. Right.

let it will be

Now I can see things for what they really are
I guess I’m not that far
I’m at the point of no return
Just watch me burn

I know people who are afraid of starting a blog, freaked out by the thought that other people would judge them for who they are or in a more shallow bit, the way they write. I say screw those other people. It’s your blog, you can write whatever you want, however you want. It’s your life, that’s all that matters.

While there may be people who would ridicule you for your actions; while there may be those who’d laugh and stab you behind your back; while there may be those bigots who would never truly understand, just remember that you are for your own and when lucky, you have your family and friends to support you.

To my blog friends who are truly clueless about this entry (which sorta channels this past entry), I’m sure you would understand and be able to read between the lines.

To my support system, I love you all.

To the rest , just let it be.

merry ACHOOOsmas!

Celebrating Christmas with a thousand sneezes a minute. Ugh! I am so like Rudolph; I hate it I hate it I hate it!

Just got home from a dinner with family, some extended family, and some people I don’t know. Most of the latter are ROAROAR or relative of a relative of a relative. The gathering was so-so; blame it on my heavy head, sore throat and swollen/red skin under my nose. The food was not special either; my parents and I had nothing to do with the dishes served tonight. We did not bring anything – well, we brought a leg of Chinese ham, which reeked of un-Christmas-y aroma. I missed our intimate Christmas eve dinners, when my mom and I would toil the entire late afternoon to evening preparing pasta, salads (both green and fruit), roasted chicken and other stuff.

I hope my condition will be better tomorrow, when we would troop 90 kms. down south to be with my paternal relatives. I’m sure there’d be way better dishes served and a lot more gifts to be received. ^_^

Happy Ho-Ho-Ho-ing! Merry Christmas everyone! May this celebration envelope you with Yuletide warmth, splendor and cheer!

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